Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good: In Every "Failure" There is Opportunity

I don't care if this is cliche, I see it happen all the time and I find myself taking comfort in it. It gives me confidence and empowers me to try new things. What is "IT"? Opportunity that arises out of "failure". Things SO often don't go as I expected them to. But every time I look back, I realize there was an opportunity that arose. Some of the opportunities I missed, but many I jumped on. Now, when things aren't going as expected, I'm watching...curious as to what the opportunity might be. And this helps me get past the "failure".

So, chin up. If you're trying, being smart about your decisions and doing what YOU think is right, things will work out. Maybe not as you expected, but likely better. It does take time...sometimes even years! But "IT" is worth the wait.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good: Refresh the Message You're Sending (little things matter!)

There's been so much about personal brand building over the last year, and most of it has value, but it's tough to keep up! I liken it to remodeling a house, by the time you're finished it's time to redo the first room.

Just when I was really starting to feel good about how all my different online profiles and offline endeavors were coming together someone approached me and said "It's really lame when someone's email signature has a static 'Thanks!' because you know that's just their signature and they aren't really taking a minute to thank you." That's my signature and I say "Ouch". But it's true. Why bother? If it's static it doesn't seem genuine--even IF you really do mean it.

I guess that is part of this concept of perpetual beta; there is no getting comfortable, we have to constantly challenge the status quo even down to the little details like our email signature and especially, how we show appreciation!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

I don't need to state the obvious; of course we all like to see opportunity created from adverse situations, but when was the last time you looked for opportunity and then actually acted on it?

I really liked this story of a few good people willing to take a chance to turn a situation around for the better. I encourage you to listen to the audio - the transcript is informative but hearing from the folks themselves is inspiring.


I'm looking forward to seeing Detroit's progress (without reliance on turnaround of the Big 3 auto makers). My guess is these entrepreneurs will find success!